How to write a thorough peer review Scientists receive too little peer-review training. Here’s one method for effectively peer-reviewing papers, says Mathew Stiller-Reeve Easy Review Writing. Writing a review is a problematic procedure. The thing is that clearly formulating your opinion on research and expressing it in several pages is difficult not only for undergraduate or postgraduate students. You can ease the process if you follow a certain plan and write a paper step by step, according to criteria Sep 22, · Writing a good review requires expertise in the field, an intimate knowledge of research methods, a critical mind, the ability to give fair and constructive feedback, and sensitivity to the
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The literature review component of an academic paper compiles key pieces of literature used for research. It doesn't simply list the research materials. The review provides a summary, evaluation and comparison of the materials without adding your own ideas to the mix.
A well-written literature review provides a reference for your research and allows readers to validate what your paper says. The literature review starts with your source material. Choosing a specific topic for your academic paper helps you search for relevant literature.
Don't grab the first sources you find. Evaluate the source material to ensure it is current and still relevant. The period of relevancy varies by topic and field. Medical research and advancements change so frequently that research material becomes outdated quickly, for example. It should also come from a reputable source or expert in the field. Ensure the how to write an academic review paper answers the research question in your paper.
Once you've narrowed the selection of materials, you're ready to analyze the information. Pick out the key points in each piece of literature. Look for contradictions in the sources, which you can address in the review. You'll also explore relationships between the material. One study might cover one aspect of the topic, while another analyzes a related yet different component.
Your literature review can highlight how those two studies work together to support your thesis. Categorize the materials into pieces that support your thesis and those that contradict it. You may also find materials that provide a completely different perspective. A well-written literature review organizes the sources in a logical way. One organizational method is chronological. For some topics, organizing by publication date of the materials is effective.
Other topics are better served by arranging the information historically. For example, in a literature review on childhood vaccines, use a historical approach that walks through the stages of development and use.
A thematic organizational approach groups together materials based on subsections of the thesis. When writing about cyberbullying, potential themes include definition of cyberbullying, signs victims exhibit and ways to stop cyberbullying.
A literature review follows a format similar to essays or papers, with an introduction, body and conclusion, how to write an academic review paper. The introduction explains your thesis for the academic paper to provide background for the review, how to write an academic review paper. Include any criteria you used when how to write an academic review paper the source materials. The body of the literature review holds the details of each piece of research material analyzed.
Introduce the materials using the organizational strategy you chose. Provide a summary and explain the connections and relevancy of each material included in the review.
The conclusion recaps your key findings as you analyzed the literature for the paper. You can also include flaws or inconsistencies, as well as areas that need further research. Based in the Midwest, Shelley Frost has been writing parenting and education articles since Her experience comes from teaching, tutoring and managing educational after school programs.
Frost worked in insurance and software testing before becoming a writer. She holds a Bachelor of Arts in elementary education with a reading endorsement.
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How to Write a Literature Review for an Academic Paper. Shelley Frost Updated July 22, Home » The Rewrite. About the Author. Photo Credits.
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Scholarly literature can be of different types; some of which require that researchers conduct an original study, whereas others can be based on existing research. One of the most popular Q&As led us to conclude that of all the types of scholarly literature, researchers are most confused by the differences between a research paper and a review paper How To Write Ielts Essay Academic (Review Video), Visit our Service - blogger.com About Our ServiceCOST-EFFICIENCY verified Sep 22, · Writing a good review requires expertise in the field, an intimate knowledge of research methods, a critical mind, the ability to give fair and constructive feedback, and sensitivity to the
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