Jul 04, · Provide a full and complete title of the analyzed article. Mention the title of the journal, the volume number and full date of publication. Also include a specific number of pages the article has. Identify the main research problem addressed in the article Oct 31, · Refrain from using direct quotations of text from the journal article. Quotations are more often used when writing a college paper or essay, and are less important for a journal article summary. Focus more on paraphrasing the ideas when writing a journal article summary without losing focus of their meaning and intended content. Use present tense Oct 13, · Write each critical summary week by week. Label the top of the page with the respective week e.g. “Week 1 Article Summary”, “Week 2 Article Summary”, . etc. Collate all article summaries and use the following cover page for your summaries. Ensure that all information is available
4 Easy Ways to Write a Critical Analysis (with Pictures)
Writing a critical summary can seem like a challenging task because it requires you to think critically of the readings. This task requires you not to take what you read for granted but rather to pull information apart, synthesize it and connect it with an informed opinion. As the name suggests, the critical summary should provide a summary of the article along with your critical comment, how to write a critical summary of a journal article.
This means that you are not required to regurgitate the information presented in the article, but rather summarize it according to your own understanding. It must display analysis and evaluation of the material read, rather than a description of the article. Below is a guide to assist you in writing a critical summary of your articles, how to write a critical summary of a journal article. Critical summaries are not only used in reading research articles but it allows you to read and extract the most essential information of a written text along with your opinion and interpretation.
You will come across many written texts in your professional work that requires you to evaluate and analyze the material presented to you in a concise manner.
Need a critical summary of any article or book? Close Menu About Us. Purchase Confirmation. Purchase History. Transaction Failed. Free Turnitin Plagiarism Checker. Privacy Policy. A guide to writing a critical summary What is a critical summary? How can you approach a critical summary? What are the authors trying to investigate? Is it clear and concise? How were the above questions investigated?
How were they answered? What were the results? Did they make any specific observations? What new knowledge is developed? How does it compare to previous work done in this area? Why is this topic important? Why should people study it? Do you think this topic can have practical implications? If so, how? What is your overall opinion? Think of a brief statement that that sum up the main strengths and weaknesses of the article.
Tips for writing a critical summary: Read actively: read with the determination to evaluate and analyze. Engage with the content and brainstorm ideas as you go. Highlight and take notes: Highlight the points that you feel are significant and keep notes of ideas as you go.
Read and summarize: Summarize main points as you read. This will help you in putting the critical summary together. Get to the point: This summary is only words per article so use your words wisely. Be concise. Edit your work: As you write and as you polish your summary, do a spell, grammar and punctuation check.
Flow: Does your writing flow well? Is it clear and understandable? Read slowly : It takes time to absorb information, understand it and evaluate and analyze it. Reading actively will minimize the need to read over and over again which can be time consuming how to write a critical summary of a journal article unpractical.
Write weekly: Give ample time to read the article before class, discuss in class and then write the critical summary when the ideas are still fresh in your mind. Your class discussions are valuable how to write a critical summary of a journal article helping you with the writing process, so it is wise to take notes during these discussions. Why do we write critical summaries? How do you present your critical summaries?
Write each critical summary week by week. Label the top of the page with the respective week e. Collate all article summaries and use the following cover page for your summaries. Ensure that all information is available. Remember to include your student name or ID and failure to cite properly will be taken into account when marking. Ensure the following order: Cover page à Week 1 Article Summary à Week 2 Article Summary à Week 3 Article Summary à Week 4 Article Summary….
Be presentable. No fringes from a note book page. HAVE A NEW QUESTION? Click Here To Get Started!
Tips for writing journal article summaries
, time: 14:00Writing a journal article summary sample

Jun 25, · To write a critical summary of an article, you need organized and objective critical thinking as well. The process of writing a critical summary includes brainstorming to form a list of questions, answering these questions one by one and then finalizing your review in a structured and readable form Nov 29, · One option is to make an outline of the work, while the second is the write a brief summary. An especially thorough reading of the work will include both. If writing a summary of the work, it only needs to be one or two paragraphs. Try to phrase the summary in your own words as much as possible. Identify any appeals used Jul 04, · Provide a full and complete title of the analyzed article. Mention the title of the journal, the volume number and full date of publication. Also include a specific number of pages the article has. Identify the main research problem addressed in the article
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