Jul 12, · Writing a resume can be time-consuming, so that’s why some job seekers hire a resume writing service to lighten the load. iHire is one company that offers this service. Sure, iHire is perhaps most well-known for being a job search site that brings candidates and employers together in 56 different industries, so the resume service seems like a second thought to the company’s business plan The professional resume writers who work for iHire are educated, certified*, and trained in modern resume writing strategies and formatting as well as the keyword optimization needed to get past applicant tracking systems. When you purchase resume writing services from iHire, you will be assigned a writer with knowledge of your industry Ihire has been helpful in identify missing pieces in my resume, reviewing and improving my resume to increase the odds of my resume being selected/5()
The 9 Best Resume Writing Services of
The resume writing is sharp and concise, maximizing the amount of content you can fit into one page of a resume. Learn More: Read our resume writing service methodology to see how we rated each company. iHire is one company that offers this service.
Nonetheless, we wanted to review iHire's resume writing service to see how it stacks up against some of the top competitors in the industry. What did we think of it? Here's the lowdown: For someone who needs a resume and is willing to do a great deal of legwork, iHire is a viable resume writing service. Read on to see our complete thoughts. We sent payment via credit card to iHire and received a response within a day.
This was typical of other resume services we reviewed, as most of them use an automated system to notify their consumers that payment has been received. After signing up for the service, we were asked to download a resume questionnaire to our computer, fill it out, and send it to iHire along with our resume. Ihire resume writing service questionnaire we were asked to fill out was extremely extensive and redundant.
Much of the information asked on the questionnaire was information already on the resume we submitted: contact information, skills, position and company details, and university experience. We sent the questionnaire to the resume service, explaining that much of what it asks is something we wanted to discuss with a resume writer, and also attached the resume which was for the Manufacturing industry. Six days following this, ihire resume writing service, we received another email where our resume writer apologized for the misunderstanding.
And we were more than willing to answer any questions he might have regarding our resume. When all was said and done, our resume was delivered to us seven days later. The total time to receive our resume from inception was 23 days. iHire's writer was excellent in asking questions to bring out the accomplishments that were lacking on the resume we sent him.
Although we found the design and format dense and outdated, the resume writer, who claimed to be award-winning and published in various publications, produced a document with some of the best content of the services we reviewed. For content, we looked for the following criteria:. We found the design of our resume to be dense with. Our resume writer used these dimensions to keep the two-page resume we submitted to one page.
The font style our writer chose was old school. It was serif Georgia at 12 pt. for the body. The font was small and might be difficult to read for some. Out of curiosity we changed the margins to normal and expanded the font to Calibri at Doing this made the resume a page and a half. The resume we submitted was a page and three quarters.
Had our writer expanded the Training section on the resume he rewrote, the resume would have been approximately a page and three quarters, which would have been preferred as opposed to a cramped one-page resume. As well, a candidate with 15 years of experience warrants a two-page resume; and with the content our writer produced, ihire resume writing service, the document would have made a nice two-pager.
The format was traditional, including the following sections in this order: Contact Information, Summary, ihire resume writing service, Skills, Experience, Education, and Training. More on this later. Of all the sections, the Summary was the weakest one our resume writer produced, ihire resume writing service. Most notably it was too long four lines for the first paragraph and three lines for the second.
Three to four lines are all that are required. Ihire resume writing service fault we found with the Summary was a slew of clichés. Strong industry-related words are necessary to get a resume past an applicant tracking system ATSwhich scans a resume for keywords.
Our resume writer hit the mark on listing the most important skills our candidate possesses. However, instead of placing the skills below the Summary, he placed them in a margin on the right-hand side, which distracted our eyes when reading and made the Summary section seem more crowded, thus more difficult to read.
In addition, this style, like the font he chose, is outdated, ihire resume writing service. Resumes today are flat, meaning the text runs from left to right without any sidebars and boxes. What made this section strong? A strong Experience section will follow the Job Scope with bulleted accomplishments, and this is exactly what our resume writer achieved. Most of the accomplishments were quantified with numbers, dollars, or percentages. Accomplishments with quantified results are what makes a job candidate stand apart from others, ihire resume writing service.
Employers can really sink their teeth into accomplishments that show metrics. However, he also included the years of experience for this position, ihire resume writing service. Information beyond eleven years in work history is rarely relevant to what employers are looking for today. So we thought the years could have been left off. He was cognizant of avoiding typos and writing sentences that flowed nicely, which was not the case with some of the other resumes we reviewed.
We ihire resume writing service the traditional ihire resume writing service to write the Education section which includes the degree in the first line and the university and location in the second line.
Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology, Minor in Urban Spatial Development. University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA. One major fact our resume writer failed ihire resume writing service note is that our candidate completed ihire resume writing service intensive training course, in addition to earning certifications in Lean Six Sigma Green Belt and Associate Project Management the writer included these. According to iHire, ihire resume writing service resume writers are trained and certified in modern resume writing techniques, which include formatting and optimizing resumes to beat the applicant tracking systems ATS.
Posted on its website are two images of resume certifications, Certified Advanced Resume Writer CARW and Toast of the Resume Industry, TORI. These are two of the most respected certifications in the industry, ihire resume writing service, but it is unclear if all their resume writers hold one or both certifications.
Guarantees are a plus, although no ihire resume writing service will double the number of interviews to which a candidate will be invited and, most certainly, ensure they land a job.
We would have liked to see iHire show a wide array of resume samples from many different industries on its website. iHire displays three testimonials of happy consumers.
They are a little vague though. Having my resume redone by iHire was the right thing to do. I am very happy. Use keywords that make the resume get hits from Applicant Tracking Systems. Ask your resume writer to point out the keywords used. We found this to be extremely high for a resume rewrite. Below are the four price tiers:. When it comes down to resume quality, iHire bested Monster. While we felt Monster.
It's mostly because iHire's writer was excellent in asking questions to bring out the accomplishments that were lacking on the resume we sent him, ihire resume writing service. Customer service is important to any job seeker, especially if they are in a hurry to get their resume out there.
This is where iHire did a poor job. When we initially asked our resume writer if he would communicate with us via email, he wrote back to us 10 days later asking us to fill out the eight-page questionnaire, ihire resume writing service. For these reasons, we feel Monster is the better option of the two. We were pleased with the content of the resume iHire produced, despite a lengthy Summary and Skills being placed in a sidebar.
He utilized keywords that would satisfy an ATS. However, his customer service was one of the worst of the resume writing services we reviewed. Twenty-three days is a long time to wait for a resume. Perhaps better communication on his part would have reduced the time it took to deliver our resume. If a job candidate wants a resume fast, they would be better off using a different service, but if you're not on a time crunch, you'll be happy with the content you get out of iHire.
Resumes Resume Writing. We publish unbiased reviews; our opinions are our own and are not influenced by payments from advertisers. Learn about our independent review process and partners in our advertiser disclosure.
Full Bio Follow Linkedin. Follow Twitter. Bob McIntosh is a Certified Professional Résumé Writer and career strategist who facilitates webinars and workshops on job-search topics, writes and critiques résumés and LinkedIn profiles, and meets with high-level job seekers on an individual basis.
Read The Balance's editorial policies. overall rating 3. Sign Up Now. Key Takeaways Pros and Cons Key Takeaways. The signup process is redundant, asking for the same information in different areas and is followed by a slow response from the actual resume writer. Creates punchy past-experience sections that help you stand out with your skills and accomplishments at previous employers.
Resume writers are well qualified in the industry and hold the most respected certifications attainable as resume writers.
A premium service that is set at premium pricing compared to other resume writing services. Pros and Cons. Pros Initial process to sign up was easy Strong resume content with impactful writing with quantified results Contained brief paragraphs that the easier to read Prestigious resume writing credentials. table of contents Expand. How it Works.
How Do You Start A Resume Writing Service?
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Feb 08, · If you’re looking for assistance with your resume, iHire offers a tool to score your resume against jobs, a resume builder, resume critiques, and professionally written resumes. This resume writing service makes selecting a plan fairly easy Ihire has been helpful in identify missing pieces in my resume, reviewing and improving my resume to increase the odds of my resume being selected/5() iHire offers a network of niche job boards dedicated to specific professions, enabling job seekers and employers to reach their employment goals by focusing their searches. iHire provides job seekers a single place to find jobs that are posted all over the internet and a variety of other services such as resume building, scoring, writing, and formatting
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