The Onion's A.V. Club has forthrightly apologized after discovering that one of their writers wrote a review of a book without reading it. Because it hadn't been published yet. How'd the writer We recommend that you read the first paragraphs of each chapter of your book. Depending on paragraphs’ lengths, it can take you from two hours to learn all the chapters briefly. This is the crucial rule you have to follow for writing an essay on a book you didn’t read, which is much shorter and faster than reading the whole book A book review is more than a book report or summary of a book’s contents. A review is a critical essay evaluating the merits of an academic work. Its purpose is not to prove that you read the book—which is understood as a given—but to show that you can think critically about what you’ve read. You can see examples of reviews in virtually any historical journal, and these may help you to write your own review
How to Do a Book Report Without Reading the Book | Synonym
Last Updated: October 27, References. To create this article, 11 people, some anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. This article has how to write a critical book review without reading the book viewed 41, times. Learn more It happens. You had so many other assignments for so many other classes that you just didn't have time to cram everything in. This article will help you manage to swing an A without reading the book.
Note: this focuses chiefly on literature, but the method can be applied to any book or class with some slight tweaking. Log in Social login does not work in incognito and private browsers. Please log in with your username or email to continue. wikiHow Account. No account yet? Create an account. Community Dashboard Write an Article Request a New Article More Ideas Edit this Article. Home Random Browse Articles Courses About wikiHow Easy Ways to Help Approve Questions Review Tech Feedback Fix Spelling Quiz App More Things to Try We use cookies to make wikiHow great.
By using our site, you agree to our cookie policy. Cookie Settings, how to write a critical book review without reading the book. wikiHow is where trusted research and expert knowledge come together. Learn why people trust wikiHow.
Categories Education and Communications Studying Marks and Grades Getting Good Grades How to Get an A Without Reading the Book. Download Article Explore this Article Steps. Tips and Warnings. Things You'll Need. Related Articles. Author Info Last Updated: October 27, References. If there is a movie adaptation of the book, watch it. If there is more than one movie, watch as many versions as you can. Read the first and last chapter of the book, as well as the summary on the back or inside flap.
If your book is considered literature, especially classic literature i. written beforeit is probably featured on one or both of these sites. These websites summarize, analyze, and give context for various books. They also give detailed character and quotation analyses. Take note of the major themes and symbols as well. If your book is not on these websites, do a Google search on the book title.
If the book you did not read pertains to math, science, or social studies, a topic search might also be helpful. Your search will yield thousands of results. Don't waste time sifting! Choose sites that end in, how to write a critical book review without reading the book.
org, or. gov; these are more reliable for trustworthy information. If you learn plenty of information about the book, you'll be more likely to get a better grade. Take notes. It may seem painful, but do it anyway. Learn everything you can about major conflicts and plot points, setting, characters and key themes, symbols and motifs. Your teacher will likely expect you to do one of two things: turn in a paper or pass a test taken in class. The key to getting a satisfactory result on a paper is to sound like you know what you're talking about.
Make yourself a solid outline so you remember to stay on topic. Make sure every point relates back to the book and to your thesis statement. If you can find quotations, structure your paper around them one paragraph for every quote.
Literature is highly subjective and open to interpretation, so as long as you don't go crazy-Freudian you should be safe. Bolster your paper with things your teacher says in class, how to write a critical book review without reading the book re-word it so it doesn't seem like you're just parroting it back.
Use plenty of literary terms metaphor, symbolism, imagerybut be absolutely positive you are using them correctly. You can also ask to borrow a friend's notes--or casually ask what their favorite part was--if you need to glean more information, how to write a critical book review without reading the book. For tests, the key is to remember the context of the book. While watching the movie or reading online articles, pay close attention to key plot points, causes of conflict, and characters' personalities.
Memorize as many details as you can, including when and where the book was written, and any information you can find on the author. Carefully how to write a critical book review without reading the book each question and eliminate as many possibly incorrect answers as possible. In two days I will have a book presentation and I didn't read the book.
What can I do? Marieke Voortman. You can look for a summary of the book and study that, or stay up all night to read the book. Yes No. Not Helpful 26 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. If possible, turn your work in early. Helpful 1 Not Helpful 0. Helpful 2 Not Helpful 0. Get enough sleep and eat healthily. You want all your wits about you at a time like this, not struggling against you.
Keep caffeine in moderation. Too much will give you a psycho-buzz and you won't be able to focus. Be cheerful and relaxed in front of the teacher, but not overly so. If you comment on how you had to rush to finish, or seem stressed, your teacher will suspect you cheated. Sad but true. On in-class tests, take as much time as you can. If you finish in a rush, your teacher will suspect you of cheating and your "A" will be compromised. Make sure your spelling, grammar, word choice etc.
are all correct. Make sure it's written or typed neatly, double-spaced and with correct indentation for each paragraph. You want to draw as little attention to yourself as possible.
If it looks sloppy, or if it's riddled with editorial mistakes, he or she will examine it more closely. Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0.
Make sure you know the characters and the problem before taking the test. Submit a Tip All tip submissions are carefully reviewed before being published. Even if you watch the movie, you still need to go online and find a summary of the book.
Many movies radically change many elements of the books they are based on, especially the ending. Helpful 12 Not Helpful 1. Make sure you know the ending before you write your paper or take the test. Helpful 9 Not Helpful 3.
Even the best students sometimes find themselves in a pinch. Do not do this for every assignment or your teacher will become suspicious. Also, there is a reason why certain books are assigned in the first place. Works like "Their Eyes Were Watching God" or "The Great Gatsby" may seem stuffy and old-fashioned but are truly amazing pieces of writing. If you don't read, you really are missing out.
Helpful 5 Not Helpful 3. Don't skim the book for details. The last thing you want to do is get something out of context.
How to Write an Essay Without Reading the Book!
, time: 11:06How to Write a Critical Book Review – History – Carleton College

The subject of your reviewis the book, not its reader. Five (5) pages maximum. Use 12 pt. Roman type, left justified only. Include the full title, author's full name, publisher, place, and dateof publication on the first page of your review or in a note We recommend that you read the first paragraphs of each chapter of your book. Depending on paragraphs’ lengths, it can take you from two hours to learn all the chapters briefly. This is the crucial rule you have to follow for writing an essay on a book you didn’t read, which is much shorter and faster than reading the whole book The Onion's A.V. Club has forthrightly apologized after discovering that one of their writers wrote a review of a book without reading it. Because it hadn't been published yet. How'd the writer
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